Thursday, February 18, 2010

All About Tybalt

Because, of course, I need to post all of the juicy details. I mean, I'm well aware that most of my reader base has heard it, but I did promise.

Besides, I just came from reading Tea's blog so I'm motivated (and on the subject of Tybalt's eyebrows, he gets them waxed. Although when he lets them grow out before the next session it seriously bugs the crap out of me - even more so than when Bryant's bit of hair is too short and sticks up and flounces as he walks and THAT really bugs me.)

Anyway, we will have a brief overview of the first date because most of you know the details, then moving into the second one.

Date #1 (Valentines Day):
-picked me up in his car (and looked cute in his shirt)
-gave me a pound of chocolates wrapped in heart wrapping paper (which was cute, although I'm surprised he went near that sort of paper)
-took me to Tengda for lunch (really yummy - oh and he paid, that too)
-went back to my house to watch the olympics (although there was more talking that actually watching to be honest. also, he was too chicken to put his arm around me)
-got bored of the olympics and went to Margot's to watch a movie and eat cookies (during which he finally got the courage to put his arm around me; although at first i thought he was going to do the stupid yawn thing)
-i needed to go to SAT class, so he took me home
-no, we did not kiss or hug goodbye (it was in the car, so hugging wouldn't have worked)

Date #2 (two days after I killed my ankle):
-he came over, I let him in
-we watched Ace Ventura #2 (and talked for a bit during it because we interrupt things like that)
-his stomach made noises until i finally managed to talk him into food
-we snacked and continued watching (oh yea and he used me needing to put my foot up to put his arm around me. which i, yet again, find cute but at the same time he could learn from the Nike slogan of Just Do It.)
-movie ended, we didn't move and kept talking
-he had to go, so i walked him out and we had an awkward hug (the crutches got in the way)

Well, he's learning. I'm fairly proud of him.

And no, Nyx, we have not yet had a conversation on how he took 3458345 years to ask me out.


  1. is it possible for us to be more excited over your date(s) with tybalt that you are!??!

    you guys are so cute!!!


  2. haha, that's always the way it is. everyone else is more excited than the person it's actually happening to. at least on the OUTSIDE...

    good, because i want to be there for that conversation.

    i also want to take part in, or commence, the conversation in which we discuss the fact that he spends more time caring for his eyebrows (and face in general) than i do.
