Thursday, November 19, 2009

I really wish...

...that the parental unit known as my father would grow a set of balls. I mean, he so totally lacks them and it makes him such an asshole to deal with because he totally tries to compensate. The poor boy's got penis envy regarding everyone including women and our ovaries of steel. This was painstakingly obvious tonight when he ran around being a douchebag because he didn't think that we had a right to see our grandparents when they called to find out if they could see us this weekend because "I have a life!" Which is really quite amusing because not only do I know he has no weekend plans (I am the only one currently in residence who has some semblance of a social life) but he just hasn't got a life in general. As far as I know he barely has friends as well. And I'm not even getting started on Renee the Second. (Yes, no snazzy psuedonom but I happen to lack any regard for her safety by definition as she's going out with my dad.)

Also evil-hellion-teacher-from-the-black-lagoon gave me a B- on an assignment because I used a metaphor about a problem and a solution regarding healing a wound and she thought I should have written solved the problem instead. What. A. Tool. I apologize for not being a halfwit zombie who can't string together any sounds more complicated than "uh" and the more intimidating "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" but that doesn't mean you need to knock off 20 points. Although technically it wasn't 20 because the assignment wasn't out of 100, it was out of much less, but that is totally besides the point.

But enough of my rantings about an otherwise mediocre day. I need to go do work for the teacher-from-the-black-lagoon and study anatomy for a big test tomorrow. Sigh. Wish me luck :)


  1. that sucks :(

    but good luck on your test!!!

  2. Yeah okay, him and EVERY other y-chromosome!! Benny actually admitted that i was right...i told him that boys are more insecure than girls, and he said NO WAY!! but then later he told me that he'd been thinking about it all day and noticed it everywhere. so HA.

    Maybe they can get some balls from teacher-from-the-black-lagoon. She seems to have a few extra pairs.

  3. thankssss Gretchen <3

    No, evil-teacher-from-the-black-lagoon doesn't have balls. She merely lacks ovaries, steel or otherwise haahhaaaa.

  4. I wouldn't be so sure....I bet she keeps a few jars of them around from victims she's castrated...not to be gross or anything. But can anyone really imagine the extent of the horrors she gets up to? That's probably mild for her...
