Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut

Hullo. :)
I would assume several of you have at least somewhat contemplated the various possible reasons for the lack of updates considering this is break. Well, that's quite easy : the only friggin computer in the house that works that I can use is my mother's laptop. She doesn't really believe in wasting time on the internet, a sentiment that I rather approve of since it generally entails going to the barn and having fun with the horses instead of wasting away at home.
I'm rather a fan.

This, of course, leaves me with yet another horribly long post in which I catch up on, well, life.
I'm down a much warmer region of the country, which I totally approve of as instead of the usual bundling slash freezing my ass off, I'm wandering around in a short sleeved shirt and feeling rather warm, thank you very much. It's really quite nice :D The horses are cute and cuddly and adorable, and I'm riding both of them (and a tad saddle sore too) and we're going to see Avatar in 3-D at four today. It's my christmas present to my mother and brother as both of them want to see it. I went and saw it with never-single-sophomore, jackie, and platinum and it was sooo sooo sooo good. (I think I might have written about this, but I don't really happen to recall, so oh well.) Anyway, let me try to remember the day before I left and the day I left, since those would be the starting point for making up on forgotten posts.

Hmm, well that entails Christmas day during which I did a fat lot of nothing with the fam, and then escaped at about 6:30 to "go to jackie's house" which was really me sneaking up to go and see Ginger, her family, Columbus, and his girlfriend. (My father and Columbus are currently not on speaking terms, so I had to sneak him up his presents/cards/everything I could. I'm working on sneaking up the rest of them when I return.) I hung out with them until like nine and had a marvelous time (gosh I miss them when they're not around :( ) and then went to Tybalt's house. He made cookies *without* burning down his house or blowing up significant parts of the town. I know, it's a real shocker! So I stopped by at like 9:30ish to sample a cookie (a bit overcooked, too much salt but not too bad) and then we hung out in his living room watching 40-Year-Old-Virgin together before I had to leave.

It wasn't really awkward at all, although I felt a bit odd since none of his family knew I was there, and as far as I know they still don't know. At least his mom didn't wake up. She tends to assume the worst about situations and I would not have wanted to explain to her what I, some random girl in pajamas, was doing with Tybalt in a living room, alone, at night. Yea. That could have been awkward. How many ways can you draw the wrong conclusion lady.

Anyway, the next day was just travel, travel, and more travel. LGA lost our baggage, obnoxiously enough, but we got it the next day and went to wal-mart for pajamas, so it was fine. Which reminds me, someone took a white stretch limo to go to walmart. kinda confused as to WHY you would do that, but oh well, whatever.

And since then it's been the usual of what happens down here: lots of reading, working on anatomy/chemistry/supposed to be working on culinary, riding every day, sleep, movies at home, lots and lots of good food.... the general stuff. :)

I'll get the next update here as soon as I can, but I never know with down here. Love you all!

on, and Tybalt passed his license test this morning. all he needs now is the written. i thought I would mention this.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Well, I wish I could say something entertaining about how I did so much today. In reality, I had to put up with my grandmother who managed to hit every topic I don't want to talk about within five minutes and insult me twice as well. (Apparently it's fine not to subscribe to the whole christian thing but it's not fine to not be sure about any religion/not believe in anything in particular because then your life has no meaning - oh and you look oh so pretty today with the mascara, but you're such a late bloomer your cousins were starting that whole deal in sixth grade. Thanks, grandma. It's good to see you too.) I then got demoted to taxi driver and got to drive her around all day, which I suppose was good for my little brother because she was looking for something to get him. I saved him from getting an empty box with fake coal in it as well as an empty box saying "your present evaporated, sorry."

I then proceeded to hide out in my room for the rest of the day doing nothing but drawing and texting Tybalt. After this I was dragged to church for a two hours service, which wasn't fun but I texted my mom and we sat there and complained about how awful the pastor is and how he's a stuffed shirt. And then I got a call from my brother, which made my day. I MISS HIM SOOOOO MUCH Christmas isn't the same without him. I might see him tomorrow, depending... I hope I do.

and now I'm back home, still texting Tybalt, and annoyed because "dinner" tonight was five pieces of salamie. who the heck thinks thats enough for dinner braaagggghhh but I'm too annoyed about it to eat. Strange stuff. Strange stuff. Well, merry christmas eve!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Break FINALLY :)

I shall have time to post again! God, I just got soooo mauled by work the last few weeks - most of my teachers were subscribing to the pre-break cram. I mean, I still have a lot of work over the break, but I have time to do it.

I'm not going to bother going over all the time that I missed since a) I don't remember it all, and b) I forgot what B was. SO, we shall skip to today, which was more important anyway.

I was supposed to go see the Princess and the Frog round three with Tybalt, Tea, Wah, and (of course) myself today, but at the last minute I got a text from my dad informing me that my grandma had shown up and I needed to be home for dinner which happened to be at the same time as the move. There goes that plan. Not that the day was a loss, Never-Single-Sophomore, Jackie, his friend who I have yet to make up a name for, and I all went skating before going to go see Avatar in 3-D. It was SOOOOOOO SOOOOO SOOOO good!!!!!! I won't give you guys any spoilers, but I will say this: the graphics were GORGEOUS and totally worth the extra money that they spent; I loved the plotline as well. It was just a generally good movie and the effects were actually worth the extra two dollars. Shocker, right?

After this, we retired to Tea's house for a bit to nom on cookies, made by her and Gretchen, and then I had to leave for dinner while Jackie stayed. I was going to go back for movie watching, but I'm exhausted, so am planning to retire to bed instead. <3 Love you all, nighty night!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Story of My Life

I'm stressed, tired, totally fried, and have a lot of homework to do.

Hurray. Not at all.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Princess and the Frog

So, I'm a little excited because Wah and I were talking about boys, and liking people but not wanting to like them, and friends and dating, and basically life, and I mentioned Tybalt and told her who he was and she thinks Tybalt is kinda cute, so when we all go to the Princess and the Frog they both are coming with and I told her to talk to him a bit to see if she likes Mr. I Live And Breathe Awkward. And if she does I'm going to start trying to set them up, which totally excites me. But first it's up to Wah.

Anyway, moving on. The date for this whole deal seems to be Friday, probably at about 5ish or 6ish. Who can go?

Edit: Hm, I'd forgotten about candlelight. Who is doing it?? If a lot of you are does anyone have objections to during the day tomorrow and probably thus having the theatre to ourselves? (Those of us not candlelighting could perhaps just hang out tomorrow or something instead.)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Be prepaaaaaaaaaaaared

for what will probably turn out to be a long post as I had a busy weekend and thus need to recap everything today. Also, I now have that song from the Lion King stuck in my head.

So, hmm, let us start at the beginning. Friday. Directly after school I went with two of my friends to find a birthday gift for our other friend, and after that I met Bunnie at the Diner for more food than should be legal and chit chat. I know there were parts of conversation totally worth writing about but I forgot them already, so we shall skip over that. The next part of the night was going to The Princess and the Frog with Wah (with an h) and Woah (without an h. ask me for clarification in school if you need to). It. Was. Epic. And we were much more excited to see it than basically every single little kid in the theatre. Basically Wah and I kept squealing at adorable scenes, and when Prince Naveen was being an ass I had the great threat of, "HEY BE NICE. I KNOW WHAT YOUR INSIDES LOOK LIKE!! I HAVE DISSECTED YOU BEFORE." Yea, I've got skilled. This lead me to conclude that when I TA a biology class next year I am going to make sure two frogs get named Prince Naveen and Tiana respectively. After the movie we proceeded to embarass ourselves by dancing like the aligator does, and quoting Prince Naveen. You know we're cool. :) I have concluded I need to see this movie a second time, which means all of you who plan to go see it are coming with me. Namely Tybalt (who is being dragged), Tea, and Jackie (Wah wants to see it again and may be coming to) we are all going to see it together. There is an open invitation to other people, just those are the only ones who I actually know want to see it.

Anyway, onto saturday. The entire day was spent a) sleeping and b) at said friend's sweet sixteen. None of you like her, so no need to feel left out. :) I'm not particularly a big fan, but I don't hate her and a lot of good friends were going. Hence my participation. I'm glad I went; we went skating in Central Park and then to the Jekyll and Hyde club which was this cool restaurant themed after them. People are paid to go around dressed up as club members and interact with you, and I think there is a requirement that they be epic and generally awesome with a touch of hilarity thrown in for good measure. For starters, everyone in the restaurant became a member of the club by learning the club handshake thing which goes as follows: Sign of the bat! Cross your heart! Cross your other heart! Flappity flappity flap! Yagada! Yagada! Yagada! Heeeeeeeeeey! (I will demonstrate the motions for anyone who cares enough to see it in school or whenever). Anyway, onto the people. Shroud was one of them, he played a slightly tubby short flamingly gay guy and was stereotypical and HYSTERICAL. He flirted with one of my guy who is of questionable orientation (he claims to be straight, we arent so sure) friends and probably the best conversation was this:
Shroud: *rubs my friend's chest* You're QUITE sparkly today.
Kathrya: (thinking of Twilight) Sparkly is a bad thing.
Shroud: No, I mean his rainbow is VERY BRIGHT

I love him. So funny. He also tried on various masks and took pictures with us and had great faces. One of the evening's best characters.

Then comes Best Friend. We don't know his actual name as he brought us in the restaurant, saying that if any of us liked twilight we had to be kicked out. Needless to say I proclaimed my hate for Twilight and decided he was my new best friend which evolved into a joke we were dating by the end of the evening and other hysterical comments. He was asian and pretty BA, not gonna lie.

And finally, Dr. Wraith. He had a trancula on his head and just reeked of amusingness. Probably one of the best joke-tellers, he went off questing for a chair for us amoung other various things, and was much appriciated. :)

Generally, the night was good. Said friend whose party it was was a bitch most of the night, but it didn't matter cause i chilled out with my friends. also some drama errupted, but I don't really know what exactly it was as I was busy having a good time.

And now, sunday. Basically, I horseback rode and read two books. Good times, good times. :)

Finally, today. For starters, i walked into Chem today and the words "we need to talk" was written on the board. So, of course, I asked miss voytek in a mock crying voice if she was breaking up with us. unfortunately, the answer was yes. my poor class got dumped :C we feel so sad. (really she was just telling us we need to shut up and pay attention every now and then)

also, I was evil cackling during lunch and my culiary teacher showed up behind me. it was something like BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHhahhaahahaaha ha ha.... oh, uhm, hi chef?" I think she's now wondering why exactly she likes me. Or if she does, anyway.

Last point: I now own a small stuffed polar bear who is named Prince Naveen (of Maldonia). Coolest thing ever? I think so.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Texts From Tonight

So. I actually have something to write about. :) I didn't really say much the last few days because I was busy being angsty and blah blah blah with the whole drill about my horse and life and whatever.

So, here we have some amazing texts from tonight. Enjoy!

Tybalt: Hahahahahaaa it just said on my phone "unable to send text message to god"

Ginger: The people i'm babysitting for have sparkly tissues. Seriously. They have glitter in them.
Kathrya: Good lord how does that work??
Ginger: You have to see it. I have no idea. But I am going to steal one to show you.
Kathrya: Yes!!! I love you :) do show!!
Ginger: Haha ok. Stealing one now. I was looking at them and I was like are those SPARKLY?! I thought I was going crazy.
Kathrya: Those are edward cullen in tissue form... and sans the pedophilia.

Tybalt: Haha yea I am but its still cold lol...and the taxi should be coming any minute so I have to be by the door.
Kathrya/Tea: Kathrya says why don't your parents pick you up? Tea says lol makes you sound illiterate.
Tybalt: Tybalt says both my parents aren't home and I'm really confused how a taxi can be 35 min late when the station is 5 min away. (This one you perhaps needed to be there. But I think it was amusing enough as a stand alone to qualify.)

Kathrya: Be proud of me. I just walked into a wall because of that. Are you serious?
Columbus: Haha and yea I got hit by a car. We can have a club!
Kathrya: God, aren't we such awesome siblings? The Conqueror gets run over by bycicles, you get run over by cars, and I walk into walls. We're pretty much kick ass.
Columbus: Damn. We've got is all just about covered.

(Also, for clarification, Columbus is my older brother, The Conqueror is my younger brother, and Ginger is from my old town.)

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I am SO angry right now. Okay, well, not as much anymore, now it's just settled into an unpleasant feeling in my stomach that shall persist for as long as it takes for things to be fixed. As most of you know, I own a horse, Rose. Due to extenuating circumstances I sort of half-own her right now (she was a casualty of my mom moving down south) and she was, in a legally questionable deal, sent to live at Larkspur Farm as my lawyer is BFF's with the owner despite the fact she was supposed to be sent down with my mom. They haven't been taking care of her despite various things on my part to try to get their asses moving but today I got there and was walking her out of her stall to see her walking very strangely. Well, it doesn't take a genius to tell that a horse is lame when they're that bad, and the entire time I was grooming her she wasn't putting her weight on her right hind unless she absolutely had to. So I got one of the girls who works there to trot her out for me and GOOD GOD I've loved and been with her for seven years and I've never seen her that lame. Christ. It's essentially everything I've been telling them to fix plus blatant not caring/absolutely no ability to take care of a horse culminating into her foot. I mean, I understand life is screwy and they are kinda using her to make as much money as fast as they can, but REALLY. REALLY. I don't want my fucking horse screwed around with.

The worst part is other than throwing a shit fit with the owner I can't actually DO anything. Which means those dib shits will probably let it get worse since for it to heal she needs to not be ridden (which means loosing money because she's not avalible for lessons) and she needs bute every night instead of just once in a while (which costs money) and she needs her hocks injected really badly (which means more money) which is exactly why none of its going to happen.

I wish they would stop being bitches long enough to actually fucking learn how the hell to take care of a horse.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Movie Night

Edit: Thanks to Tea telling me comments are broken, I fixed them. All by myself. I feel so cool.

Well, originally today I was supposed to teach Jackie to skate along with Tybalt and Bryant. Unfortunately, due to weather from hell I couldn't get a ride (I'm not allowed to drive when there is too much snow or ice or whatever) and besides, Jackie wasn't too enthused about skating outside in the freezing rain/sad excuse for snow. However no one felt like being in for the night and not doing anything, so we compromised and ended up at my place for some mario party and a movie. Only mario party didn't happen due to a lack of the right type of controllers, so we settled for brawl (which none of us were particularly good at - hurray for button mashing). I lost horribly most of the time, but won once, Jackie won a few times I think, and both Tybalt and Bryant won once and were utterly defeated by my younger brother around twice.

The movie of choice ended up being I love you, Man, which, needless to say, was hysterical. Although, I have come to the conclusion that I need a bigger couch... still, we managed to smush four people on it somewhat effectively. Bryant was on one end with Jackie next to him, then myself, and then Tybalt. Although earlier in the evening I was sprawled out over the three of them until my butt got too heavy for Jackie to hold up, a position that was kind of amusing as my dad came home and I scurried off the couch as I didn't feel like explaining to my dad why I was sprawled over Jackie and two boys. Not a conversation I want to have with him - at all. I'm surprised he even let the guys in the house. Still not sure how on earth that happened, but not going to question it - for now.

Overall I think it was a successful night of that's what she said and general bonding.... and god my little brother is awesome. He was sliding around on his stomach after the movie ended. I have taught him well. :)

Anyway, this is the part where I go crash. Much love, peace out

Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday Night Skating

My ass is so sore right now. Well, technically, my gluteus maximus is sore as well as the other muscles which abduct and adduct the legs which I had to do academic stuff with during anatomy today, but I don't care enough to recite all of them. So we're sticking with my ass is sore. The sole culprit of this whole thing would be skating, a pasttime which I indulged in for three hours tonight. A very, very well spent three hours if I do say so myself.

Being the cool person I am, I went with a whole group of sophomore guys (and there were about three other girls, but in this case the y's were giving the x's a run for their money in number). This would be because I had plans to skate with never-single-sophomore and I knew his friends would probably be there (which was fine, because I know most of them by sight, and one of them is also friends with me) for saturday night. As it turned out, they decided to go today instead, and so I met up with them. It. Was. Epic.

The guys were all really good skaters (the girls not so much - they weren't bad, but they weren't particularly good either) so after stealing hats, we ended up having a makeshift game of football that quickly turned into pass the hat in the most creative way possible. This lasted for a good two hours on and off until the rink staff yelled at us, along with a tag game that had a slightly shorter lifespan of a bit over an hour and a half. The latter concluded because hats were so much more interesting.

Excitable Asian and her boyfriend were also there - of course I didn't talk to them particularly much as I didn't want to intrude on their date. They are such an adorable couple, just getting that out there. Another couple I know was there as well, but I only talked to the guy for a bit and then his girlfriend showed up and we parted ways. Essentially everyone from another group of friends was there, as well as a set of three people who I am more or less aquainted with but don't really talk to. And then one of my really good friend's little sister was there along with her friend... they had a game of truth or dare going that confused everyone I was with so I had to clue them in. There were of course a few miscallaneous people there as well who I didn't know, but probably not more than ten.

I know it sounds like a lot of people, but the rink was actually not all that filled. Which was really nice and why we could skate fast and really mess around. Not so many small children being moving targets. Besides, people kinda came and went.

And now I am sore. And tired. And took my little brother out for pizza. :) Good times, good times.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

After School Antics

I for one am quite proud of myself. I do not think I failed the math thing I had to make up today (actually it was really easy, I'm not sure why my friends in the class found it so difficult) which is good. And SAB (short asian boy) and Tybalt along with one or two of SAB's friends were good enough to walk me to the math department - they even made it up all the flights of stairs. This turned out to be rather amusing as SAB produced chocolate and candy pretty much out of thin air in order to peg Tybalt. I ended up collecting a piece of chocolate which, needless to say, gave me the strength to survive said math thing. Then, as I was walking out to my car upon finishing I realized OH LOOK, Tea is parked four spaces from me. Knowing she was at a math meet, I very stealthily (as in, not at all) wrote her a note and stuck it on her windshield. I hope I brightened her day. :D

Then, as I was driving home I saw the COOLEST CAR EVER. IT HAD A FACE!!!! No, not drawn on it, but the lights resembled eyes way more than they should and there was a definitive lump for a nose and a very mouth-like mouth. (Not quite sure what else the mouth would be like, but you never can be too careful.) It was powered by electricity which resulted in it being basically the front seat and then cutting off with a box that couldn't stop reminding me of a car fanny-pack attached to the back. Oh, and it was lime green and driven by a geezer. Made. My. Day.

After this I ended up skating and, feeling guilty for not deciding to do track, decided to do a track workout. Only on the ice. It was about two laps of the rink essentially sprinting, with the equivalent of a quick jog for one lap in between repeated for an hour and a half minus the slacking I usually do along with breaks other than one in which layers were removed. At the end I went a bit faster during each interval for those during the last ten minutes as I had achieved a runners high only on skates (skater's high?)... and now I am off the high, sore, and probably not regretting it.... until tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Road Racing, but not quite

Well, I think I have found a new perk of going to the diner and such. The only male who came with us (someone care to share his online name? -It has been shared, I now dub thee Adam-) and I happened to be going the same way in order to get to our respective houses. The end result: we were behind and in front of each other and spent a great deal of time waving to each other and looking at each other through rearview mirrors/back windows depending on who was in front at the moment.

I for one was very entertained, and rather sad when he made a left and I went straight. I am looking forward to doing this next week. :)