Monday, December 14, 2009

Be prepaaaaaaaaaaaared

for what will probably turn out to be a long post as I had a busy weekend and thus need to recap everything today. Also, I now have that song from the Lion King stuck in my head.

So, hmm, let us start at the beginning. Friday. Directly after school I went with two of my friends to find a birthday gift for our other friend, and after that I met Bunnie at the Diner for more food than should be legal and chit chat. I know there were parts of conversation totally worth writing about but I forgot them already, so we shall skip over that. The next part of the night was going to The Princess and the Frog with Wah (with an h) and Woah (without an h. ask me for clarification in school if you need to). It. Was. Epic. And we were much more excited to see it than basically every single little kid in the theatre. Basically Wah and I kept squealing at adorable scenes, and when Prince Naveen was being an ass I had the great threat of, "HEY BE NICE. I KNOW WHAT YOUR INSIDES LOOK LIKE!! I HAVE DISSECTED YOU BEFORE." Yea, I've got skilled. This lead me to conclude that when I TA a biology class next year I am going to make sure two frogs get named Prince Naveen and Tiana respectively. After the movie we proceeded to embarass ourselves by dancing like the aligator does, and quoting Prince Naveen. You know we're cool. :) I have concluded I need to see this movie a second time, which means all of you who plan to go see it are coming with me. Namely Tybalt (who is being dragged), Tea, and Jackie (Wah wants to see it again and may be coming to) we are all going to see it together. There is an open invitation to other people, just those are the only ones who I actually know want to see it.

Anyway, onto saturday. The entire day was spent a) sleeping and b) at said friend's sweet sixteen. None of you like her, so no need to feel left out. :) I'm not particularly a big fan, but I don't hate her and a lot of good friends were going. Hence my participation. I'm glad I went; we went skating in Central Park and then to the Jekyll and Hyde club which was this cool restaurant themed after them. People are paid to go around dressed up as club members and interact with you, and I think there is a requirement that they be epic and generally awesome with a touch of hilarity thrown in for good measure. For starters, everyone in the restaurant became a member of the club by learning the club handshake thing which goes as follows: Sign of the bat! Cross your heart! Cross your other heart! Flappity flappity flap! Yagada! Yagada! Yagada! Heeeeeeeeeey! (I will demonstrate the motions for anyone who cares enough to see it in school or whenever). Anyway, onto the people. Shroud was one of them, he played a slightly tubby short flamingly gay guy and was stereotypical and HYSTERICAL. He flirted with one of my guy who is of questionable orientation (he claims to be straight, we arent so sure) friends and probably the best conversation was this:
Shroud: *rubs my friend's chest* You're QUITE sparkly today.
Kathrya: (thinking of Twilight) Sparkly is a bad thing.
Shroud: No, I mean his rainbow is VERY BRIGHT

I love him. So funny. He also tried on various masks and took pictures with us and had great faces. One of the evening's best characters.

Then comes Best Friend. We don't know his actual name as he brought us in the restaurant, saying that if any of us liked twilight we had to be kicked out. Needless to say I proclaimed my hate for Twilight and decided he was my new best friend which evolved into a joke we were dating by the end of the evening and other hysterical comments. He was asian and pretty BA, not gonna lie.

And finally, Dr. Wraith. He had a trancula on his head and just reeked of amusingness. Probably one of the best joke-tellers, he went off questing for a chair for us amoung other various things, and was much appriciated. :)

Generally, the night was good. Said friend whose party it was was a bitch most of the night, but it didn't matter cause i chilled out with my friends. also some drama errupted, but I don't really know what exactly it was as I was busy having a good time.

And now, sunday. Basically, I horseback rode and read two books. Good times, good times. :)

Finally, today. For starters, i walked into Chem today and the words "we need to talk" was written on the board. So, of course, I asked miss voytek in a mock crying voice if she was breaking up with us. unfortunately, the answer was yes. my poor class got dumped :C we feel so sad. (really she was just telling us we need to shut up and pay attention every now and then)

also, I was evil cackling during lunch and my culiary teacher showed up behind me. it was something like BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHhahhaahahaaha ha ha.... oh, uhm, hi chef?" I think she's now wondering why exactly she likes me. Or if she does, anyway.

Last point: I now own a small stuffed polar bear who is named Prince Naveen (of Maldonia). Coolest thing ever? I think so.


  1. why was i not invited to your open invite? :(

    i think i know who's party you're talking about. she does track right?

    anywho, i couldn't follow the middle section, but i think that's so cool you're gonna be a TA for a bio class next year!!

  2. I believe the phrase is 'does' track.

    and yes. we are so going. I am so excited. PRINCESS AND THE FROG OMGGGGGGG!!!!! (I realize that oh my godgodgodgodgod sounds stupid, so it actually stands for oh my goditygoditygoditygodity .... goditygod.

  3. HAHAHAHAAA Tea I love you. And yea, she "does" track. I don't think anyone could call her a ligit track runner/person/anything.

    And yea, I already okayed it with the teacher I wanna TA for. All I have to do is clear it with guidance and make sure my schedule works so that I CAN, and I'm all good. Its so exciting!

    but yes. we need to figure out when we're going to the princess and the frog. just so it can definitively happen.

  4. wait..... I just had an epiphany... I'm going to be here on Sunday. Sunday please? Was I invited? Can we go skating too? This all depends on the state of my research paper as of Friday though.

  5. Yes, yes you were. :) Like I said, open invitation! And sure, skating sounds ballin as well. We'll all have to figure out when we're going at school I think.

  6. sunday? but that's a school night! and my research paper is due the next day, so we'll have to see...

  7. maybe just a movie then? so we can fit it in and tea can do her research paper. i really want to see NAVEEN THE FROG!!! (and you guys, duh)

  8. well we can always split up and go in two sets? I'm happy to go as many times as it takes for everyone to see it :)
