Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday Night Skating

My ass is so sore right now. Well, technically, my gluteus maximus is sore as well as the other muscles which abduct and adduct the legs which I had to do academic stuff with during anatomy today, but I don't care enough to recite all of them. So we're sticking with my ass is sore. The sole culprit of this whole thing would be skating, a pasttime which I indulged in for three hours tonight. A very, very well spent three hours if I do say so myself.

Being the cool person I am, I went with a whole group of sophomore guys (and there were about three other girls, but in this case the y's were giving the x's a run for their money in number). This would be because I had plans to skate with never-single-sophomore and I knew his friends would probably be there (which was fine, because I know most of them by sight, and one of them is also friends with me) for saturday night. As it turned out, they decided to go today instead, and so I met up with them. It. Was. Epic.

The guys were all really good skaters (the girls not so much - they weren't bad, but they weren't particularly good either) so after stealing hats, we ended up having a makeshift game of football that quickly turned into pass the hat in the most creative way possible. This lasted for a good two hours on and off until the rink staff yelled at us, along with a tag game that had a slightly shorter lifespan of a bit over an hour and a half. The latter concluded because hats were so much more interesting.

Excitable Asian and her boyfriend were also there - of course I didn't talk to them particularly much as I didn't want to intrude on their date. They are such an adorable couple, just getting that out there. Another couple I know was there as well, but I only talked to the guy for a bit and then his girlfriend showed up and we parted ways. Essentially everyone from another group of friends was there, as well as a set of three people who I am more or less aquainted with but don't really talk to. And then one of my really good friend's little sister was there along with her friend... they had a game of truth or dare going that confused everyone I was with so I had to clue them in. There were of course a few miscallaneous people there as well who I didn't know, but probably not more than ten.

I know it sounds like a lot of people, but the rink was actually not all that filled. Which was really nice and why we could skate fast and really mess around. Not so many small children being moving targets. Besides, people kinda came and went.

And now I am sore. And tired. And took my little brother out for pizza. :) Good times, good times.

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