Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Break FINALLY :)

I shall have time to post again! God, I just got soooo mauled by work the last few weeks - most of my teachers were subscribing to the pre-break cram. I mean, I still have a lot of work over the break, but I have time to do it.

I'm not going to bother going over all the time that I missed since a) I don't remember it all, and b) I forgot what B was. SO, we shall skip to today, which was more important anyway.

I was supposed to go see the Princess and the Frog round three with Tybalt, Tea, Wah, and (of course) myself today, but at the last minute I got a text from my dad informing me that my grandma had shown up and I needed to be home for dinner which happened to be at the same time as the move. There goes that plan. Not that the day was a loss, Never-Single-Sophomore, Jackie, his friend who I have yet to make up a name for, and I all went skating before going to go see Avatar in 3-D. It was SOOOOOOO SOOOOO SOOOO good!!!!!! I won't give you guys any spoilers, but I will say this: the graphics were GORGEOUS and totally worth the extra money that they spent; I loved the plotline as well. It was just a generally good movie and the effects were actually worth the extra two dollars. Shocker, right?

After this, we retired to Tea's house for a bit to nom on cookies, made by her and Gretchen, and then I had to leave for dinner while Jackie stayed. I was going to go back for movie watching, but I'm exhausted, so am planning to retire to bed instead. <3 Love you all, nighty night!


  1. Jackie called literally as soon as you hung up the phone to tell me that she was wayyyy too tired to do anything.

  2. haha, good thing then. I went to bed at 8:30 last night I was so dead.... and you looked like you were about dropp off. sleep time for everyone? :)

  3. Haha, i did call. and i did go to sleep...for two hours, at which point i woke up and had Day, Part 2, until three a.m. But I doubt any of you would have been up for that anyway :)

    also, my verification word is cheneys. I didn't know you could pluralize the worst thing ever.
