Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Well, I wish I could say something entertaining about how I did so much today. In reality, I had to put up with my grandmother who managed to hit every topic I don't want to talk about within five minutes and insult me twice as well. (Apparently it's fine not to subscribe to the whole christian thing but it's not fine to not be sure about any religion/not believe in anything in particular because then your life has no meaning - oh and you look oh so pretty today with the mascara, but you're such a late bloomer your cousins were starting that whole deal in sixth grade. Thanks, grandma. It's good to see you too.) I then got demoted to taxi driver and got to drive her around all day, which I suppose was good for my little brother because she was looking for something to get him. I saved him from getting an empty box with fake coal in it as well as an empty box saying "your present evaporated, sorry."

I then proceeded to hide out in my room for the rest of the day doing nothing but drawing and texting Tybalt. After this I was dragged to church for a two hours service, which wasn't fun but I texted my mom and we sat there and complained about how awful the pastor is and how he's a stuffed shirt. And then I got a call from my brother, which made my day. I MISS HIM SOOOOO MUCH Christmas isn't the same without him. I might see him tomorrow, depending... I hope I do.

and now I'm back home, still texting Tybalt, and annoyed because "dinner" tonight was five pieces of salamie. who the heck thinks thats enough for dinner braaagggghhh but I'm too annoyed about it to eat. Strange stuff. Strange stuff. Well, merry christmas eve!!


  1. merry christmas to you as well. I hope your day is better than your eve.

  2. Aw Kathrya, you should come here RIGHT NOW and eat a better meal. My family would have loved to have you last night, or any night :) Did you get to see your brother? I'm sorry I couldn't reply sooner, but you're totally allowed to use my house as a false refuge (or a real refuge, if necessary) anytime, just let me know :)
